
The purpose of Verummeum is to provide you with interesting articles about software development, open-source projects and online privacy. Most of these articles will have a focus on the Linux operating system. We hope you will enjoy the guides, reviews and opinion pieces about the latest developments in the software world. This site is provided to easily search and view the infrastrucrutre as code “Blast Radius” graphs, produced by the Helm-Scanner OSS codebase.

More information

Find the codebase on Github or carry on the conversation on our #CodifiedSecurity Slack.

Made by the Bridgecrew.io DevRel team

Site built with Hugo using helm-scanner generated html graphs, theming and template based heavily on Verummeum by PhilipVis with thanks for an awesomely simple OSS site with working indexable search!

Source available on Github, free to be used under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license